Goals in Partnering
Since we’ve started, our goal has always been to serve our members in the best way possible, striving for aging-in-place
Provide quality resources to members
Training & Education for Caregivers
Refer only trusted and verified organizations
Support Local businesses
Focus on Local
Our History of Partnerships
Lower West Side Household Services & Dennelisse
Provide home care for linguistic and culturally specific home care training
Johns Hopkins University
Adult day service plus Caregiver stay
WIO Workforce training
Westchester Medical Health
Provided on site Health coach training in Spanish
New York State Office of The Aging
We collaborated on events like picnics and expositions for seniors in Rockland.
VCN in New City, NY
We hosted on-site support groups for community mental health.
Alzheimer's Association
We had yearly walks where many groups participated and our team spoke at events.
Census 2020
We created the first Spanish Language counting committee to ensure the latino community in Haverstraw is counted.
City Drug Pharmacy
Provided the community with flu shots from 2018-2020.
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