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Something for everyone!

Explore the variety of fun and engaging daily themes

How many days can I come to the center?

Well, it depends on what you’re coming for! Remember, we don’t replace home care. Our work is centered around balancing your care at home with care for yourself at the center. Here are the daily themes:

On Mondays...

we start the week supporting your mental health with therapists, talks and opportunities to share life’s nightmares with hugs and FRIENDS

On Tuesdays...

we reconnect with the spirit and fill the SOUL with love and peace with classic programs and trips to places (such as churches or places of nature) that will help you focus … FORWARD

On Wednesdays...

we fulfill home and health duties with TRIPS to shops and games that provide opportunities to laugh, win prizes and clear the mind with music, laughter and shouts of PURE JOY

On Thursdays...

we go for a walk with our friends-to see what there is to see (from very close and far away) and to enjoy EVERYTHING BEAUTIFUL THAT LIFE GIVES US

On Fridays...

we ask … what does the public say ?! They say “WE ARE GIANT” !!! Dances, laughs, music, surprises, comedians, live talent and much more to close the week!