Who do We Serve?
"Golden Age" Seniors in A Latino Community
Our members are 65 or more years old and live in the community with limited support of home health services and family members.
They enjoy participating for their better health, and would otherwise be lonely & isolated. The center has become their opportunity to meaningfully share with friends and our team!
How We Reach Them
Focus on the trusted connections
Using verbal & interpersonal community connections, we educate the community about our services and the benefits in allowing their loved ones to attend the center.
Presenting our services as a collaboration in the long-term care of their families helps in care coordination.
We don’t replace home care, we add to the QUALITY of being cared for at home
How We Connect
Culture & Food
We set out to make the experience at the center as welcoming and familiar as possible. So, we celebrate culturally significant events and are sure to include fun traditional activities like dominos and dancing.
“Love” is validated through food. Through catering, we are able to support local businesses and give our members the food they love.
Want to Learn More?
Reach Out To Us
Before joining, see for yourself if we are a good fit for you!